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How open tracking works?

Each time you send an email campaign through Mail250, we embed a tiny invisible image at the bottom of your HTML email. This open tracker image, or web beacon is unique to each campaign you send. When someone opens your email with images turned on, that image is downloaded from our server, and it’s recorded as an open on your campaign report.

Automated replies, such as out-of-office messages, generally do not download this image, so they shouldn’t count as opens.

Web beacon trafficking is the industry standard for open tracking and is a great tool to give you a general summary of your subscriber action, but it does have some limitations. Because it relies on a hidden image embedded in your campaign code, open tracking won’t work in Plain-Text Campaigns.

Similarly, open tracking won’t work if your contacts or their email client have chosen not to display images.

You can ask your contacts to add you to their address book or choose to display images in their email client to get more accurate open tracking.

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