We know what it takes to deliver emails

Mail250 has its proprietary Intelligent Mail Transfer Agent, powered by AI and managed by a smart team of engineers. You can focus on drafting better emails without bothering about how to get them delivered.
email delivery

Big Data for Learning

Mail250 sends over a billion emails every month, resulting in 3x the log size to process. This is enough big data necessary for any AI and Machine learning algorithms to run.

Predictive Algorithms to achieve higher deliverability rates

When it comes to bulk email marketing, ISPs do have many undisclosed email policies on when to accept and how much to accept. Our predictive algorithm captures and analyses, every minute signals coming from ISPs to keep your delivery in compliance with various anti-spam policies. With Mail250, you need to focus on your contacts and content without worrying about any of these technical details.

Intelligent Retries to avoid false positives

Our i-MTA works in tandem with Machine Learning data to understand any false email bounce alerts and schedule retries as needed. Your email delivery is on auto-pilot.

Built-in authentication to make your emails look trustworthy

All sorts of email authentication, be it SPF, DKIM, DMARC are built-in as a part of our core email delivery service. These authentications make your email look more trustworthy and helps you get a higher inbox placement rate—no more false classification.

Highest level of security with email encryption

ISPs love encrypted email sending, and we do love that too. Security is our top priority - This is why Mail250 has built-in support for TLS based encryption at no additional cost. No more red lock signs with your delivery with Gmail.

24x7 monitoring to protect the reputation of your domain

Our closed-circuit monitoring technology keeps our infrastructure clean by gathering information from millions of outgoing emails and incoming responses coming back from various ISPs. Every new or existing account are under the close surveillance of this monitoring system to catch hold of any potential abuse to the infrastructure. Rest assured, your domain and emails are in the safe hand.

Enable smart delivery for your emails with Mail250

Mail250 helps you in creating engaging user emails - and send them with confidence.
